Sunday, July 30, 2006


Because I forgot to update everyone on what’s going on in this quarter: I got the hotel job! I start tomorrow!

I’ll be a guest service agent at one of New York’s most swanky hotels, owned by one of the world’s premier luxury hotel companies. If I do well, it could lead to opportunities at other hotels in their company, both in the US and abroad.

So happy I’ve taken this step. It’s a huge financial risk, but I need to find something that I’m happy doing and hope that the money follows from that.

I’ll let you know how it works out . . . .

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Pushed Out of the Nest

Well, when God closes a door, sometimes He throws you out the window for good measure. Just to see what you’ll do.

My “just surviving” job (that is soul-crushing and going nowhere, but pays well) abruptly ended on Thursday night. It was pretty surreal…they let go a whole bunch of people. I guess the project is “entering a new phase” to use their terminology.

ANYWAY, this little event occured just after I had had my second of what will hopefully be only THREE (gawd!) interviews with a top New York City hotel. (The next one is Monday…hoping that’s it). The problem was going to be the money….it would be a big step down from what I was doing (which was making me miserable and going nowhere), and it was going to be quite the dilemma to decide whether to give up security or happiness. (Of course, my operating theory is that the thing that makes me happy will also be, in the long run, something I’ll be successful at and eventually be able to make money doing.)

Fortunately, and I do mean fortunately, the choice has now been taken out of my hands! So now, assuming that this thing at the hotel pans out, I am basically forced to try my hand at this. It’s scary as Hell, but I’m irrationally happy about it.


Sunday, July 09, 2006

Friday, July 07, 2006

Inertia is Easy, Action is Hard

Big Pharma money makes it very easy to just sit here complacent and continue to have my life chipped away, day by day, by the drip drip dripping of resentment and boredom. Yesterday I just got so FED UP that I promised my officemate that I’d do something or she’d know the reason why. So, last night I finally pulled together all the course stuff, filed the paperwork for the certificate, and actually began following up on the contacts I made during my class (which ended nearly 2 months ago!).

Today: 2 resumes to 2 top-flight hotels going out in the mail.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

This Month's Cause

Getting started early this month, trying to fund an incubator so some North Carolina school kids can watch chicks hatch.

Won’t you join me ?

Donors Choose

My participation in the Donors Choose Bloggers Challenge continues!

Please help!