Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Things are going well on Nutrisystem

Down 9 lbs so far, being fairly strict about following their rules. Except still putting cream in my morning coffee, and having low-fat (not non-fat) dressing on my lunch salad (the non-fat dressings at my lunch place are all nasty!) Enjoying the routine, the variety and the simplicity.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

More Coffee Needed

More Coffee Needed
Originally uploaded by bullish1974
This very accurately describes my state of mind at the moment. It's getting to be time for the mid-afternoon Starbucks fix. I keep thinking I'll kick it, but every day--*pow*--the 3pm doldrums set in.

It does seem to be less noticable now that I'm eating very little sugar....the sugar roller coaster effect I think really exacerbates the whole "slump" thing. So hooray for progress.

Still, can't function without caffeine.....must work on that.