Friday, July 07, 2006

Inertia is Easy, Action is Hard

Big Pharma money makes it very easy to just sit here complacent and continue to have my life chipped away, day by day, by the drip drip dripping of resentment and boredom. Yesterday I just got so FED UP that I promised my officemate that I’d do something or she’d know the reason why. So, last night I finally pulled together all the course stuff, filed the paperwork for the certificate, and actually began following up on the contacts I made during my class (which ended nearly 2 months ago!).

Today: 2 resumes to 2 top-flight hotels going out in the mail.

1 comment:

Todd HellsKitchen said...

Good luck with those job interviews!

But do you have to wear a jacket and tie??


BTW: I added you to my Blogroll today!