Sunday, August 20, 2006

The past three weeks....

I have been very remiss in my updating of late. This is primarily because I'm no longer working at a dull-as-dirt legal temping assignment all day where messing around on the internet was the only way to stay sane!

Yes, I'm about to enter my fourth week in The Hospitality Industry. I am happy to say that this seems to be a great fit for's the first time is six years that I've looked forward to going to work.

The people I work with are great, and there's none of the cynicism and self-interest that was so pervasive in every legal practice situation I found myself in. People seem genuinely enthusiastic about what they're doing, and everyone's on the same page as far as the goals of the organization.

It's also a lot of fun....we get all sorts of celebrities in the hotel. Sadly, I'm sworn to secrecy, but it just adds to the variety.

The one down side would have to be getting up at 5AM when I have an "early" shift (7-3). It's interesting, however, that 5AM is something I could have never done for a legal gig, no matter how good my intentions, but for this I was able to do it. I consider that a very good sign.

Fortunately not on a 7am shift this week, so I can stay up and finally update this thing! It's good to be happy at work again!