Bill's place on the web.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
One year in Harlem
Still bright and sunny---although apparently I'm located next to a construction site for the next year or so as the MTA rebuilds (from the ground up) the new Mother Hale Bus Depot next door. Right now it's just a big pit.
Anyway, that's whats going on up here. Maybe I'll try to write more on this thing going forward.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Spring Cleaning
I do think, however, that it's time to go to bed. No point in pulling overnights when I'm not getting paid for them.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Lunch Today (I hope!)
The Lady & Son's, Savannah
Originally uploaded by trent_maynard
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Easter to my Peeps
Wow, my very own sunrise service, right here at the Front Desk!
In other historic news, I ate my first Peep (ever) today. It was very sweet.
I was inspired to purchase my first ever six-pack of Peeps today by the Food Network show "Unwrapped," which today had a special about all manner of Easter confections. They featured a "Peep artist" who makes huge constructions and collages out of Peeps. It made me wonder what I was missing out on. The answer: tooth decay.
Happy Easter to all!
Originally uploaded by Chatdurouge
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Chrysler Building as seen from the Alex
I really hope they hire a new overnight manager soon, because overnights kinda suck.
You'd think I'd have more time to blog since spending hours and hours with nothing to do in the lobby of a hotel, but you'd be wrong. Perhaps this is the start of my next big blogging phase.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Fast Food Nation R Us!
It’s time to revisit my goal of staying away from fast food restaurants, methinks.
A particularly disastrous outing to Wendy’s today has precipitated this particular “never again” moment. Nasty, NASTY food. Yuck. Happily, the sick feeling is staying with me to make me remember why I gave this crap up in the first place.
So, no more fast food—with the exception of lowfat Subway (hey a guy’s gotta eat something).
Wish me luck.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Holiday Temptations

And…it’s that time of year again!
I’m down fifteen pounds (yay!) and now the Holiday Season begins. I’m really going to try to be good this year. When I sat down with the nutritionist, it was amazing how often I was “treating” myself to various things. She pointed out to me that if you treat yourself all the freaking time, it’s not really a “treat,” is it?
She also pointed out that cheese lurks everywhere and that you can consume an amazing amount of calories just by going to Starbucks once or twice a day. Yikes!
Here’s hoping my holidays don’t turn into “open season” on bakery goods and hors d’ouevres!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Things are going well on Nutrisystem
Down 9 lbs so far, being fairly strict about following their rules. Except still putting cream in my morning coffee, and having low-fat (not non-fat) dressing on my lunch salad (the non-fat dressings at my lunch place are all nasty!) Enjoying the routine, the variety and the simplicity.